Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Heavenly Father,

I come to you today and ask for forgiveness of all the sins that I have committed. I also thank you for everything that you have done in my life. I thank you most of all for my Salvation. I thank you for a way to Salvation, through your Son Jesus Dying on the Cross for my sins. There is no more beautiful portrait of love that has ever been painted than that. I thank you for my WONDERFUL family.... mom, dad, Billy, Michael, CC, Mamaw, Jess, Mon, My Goodlett family, etc. and my awesome friends.... Tina, Kim, Momma (again), etc. Thank you for providing for me when I have been iffy about where the money would come from. Thank you for being my strength throughout school and careers and life in general. Thank you for providing me with the strong sense of faith that I have and for forgiving me when that faith is tested and I fail.

I ask of you to please Save those who are the closest to hell today. Convict their hearts and their souls. Show them that Salvation is not about whether or not you are good or bad, but rather the whether the blood has been applied to the doorpost of your heart. Please Save Papaw Goodlett, Keith, Wing, Jess, Gavin (at an early age), James, Barb, Craig, Kaye, Danny, Michelle, John, Tyler, Jared, and anyone else who's name has left me. Some of the above may have gotten Saved, please just reassure that to me if so.
Please God also take care of my mom, dad, and brother. They are so good to me. So awesome. And they have and continue to work hard each day to be a good servant unto You. Please remember their lives and lengthen them if it be Your will. Touch their bodies and heal them of any ailments that are plaguing their bodies. Wrap your strong arms around them and keep them so safe from harm. Build a hedge of protection round about them every second of every day.
Please also be with my precious husband. He is a light to me in so many ways and has been so much this past year. I thank You God for what You have done in his life and in our marriage. You are to be exalted for the things that you have brought us through. I Pray for guidance for him and for strength. I Pray for good things at his workplace and with his fellow co-workers.
I also Pray that You take this situation with my job and just have Your will and way with it. Lord just touch my heart and help me be at peace with whatever Your will is. Help me to also be more open to Your voice and Your plans for me, whatever those may be. I know that wherever You want me, is where I will go. Please just be with us all through this tough situation.
Lastly, please bless Michael and I with a child. Lord, I so want to enjoy the ups and downs of motherhood. You, alone, know that I have dreamed of having children since I was a small child. I wanted to bring a baby into a well situated home and family and I feel like I am at that place now. Please, just bless us greatly indeed with a child. Please let that child be blessed of You and really make a difference in this world. I Pray for guidance even now for this area of my life.
Thank you for listening now and anytime that I do Pray. Thank you for all that You are in my life. I praise you Heavenly Father! In Jesus' High and Holy Name.........Amen.

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